Theodore Klein Plant Awards
Large Evergreens
Below you’ll find the Large Evergreens that have received the honor of “Theodore Klein Plant Award” in alphabetical order based on its Latin name.
Abies nordmanniana
Nordmann Fir
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-6
- Size: 80' x 40'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2005
This outstanding conifer grows into a strongly upright, pyramidal, deep green specimen in the landscape. One of the best firs available it is long lived and has few pest/disease problems. Slow growing as a young plant but once it gets started it grows at a reasonable rate.
Cedrus libani var. stenocoma
Cedar of Lebanon
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 6-8
- Size: 60' x 40'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2013
This is the most cold tolerant form of the Cedar of Lebanon. It grows into a tall, sharply conical evergreen in the landscape. Fine-textured, gray-green needles to about 1″ long remain green all through the winter. Likes full sun and a well drained soil. Outstanding lawn specimen in the landscape.
Cryptomeria japonica
Japanese Cedar
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 6-8
- Size: 60' x 40'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2012
This large, formal evergreen will grow to more than 60’ tall with billowy masses of dependable green foliage. Yoshino’s short, awl-shaped needles hold better green color than most Cryptomeria selections. Plant in full sun in all but the wettest or driest soil. Yoshino makes an excellent lawn specimen or large screen
Suffered considerable browning and dieback in 2022 after -10F exposure.
Ilex opaca
American Holly
'Judy Evans'
- Cold Hardiness: Zone
- Size: 35' x 15'
- Light Requirement: Partial Shade to Full Sun
- Flowering Time: Early Summer
- Kentucky Native: Yes
- Year added to list: 1999
American holly forms an attractive, upright, conical evergreen in the landscape, typically with spined, leathery leaves and bright red fruit on female specimens. The Theodore Klein selection ‘Judy Evans’ stands out as superior by virtue of its dense, regular outline, dark green foliage, heavy crops of red fruit and vigorous growth. It is considered one of the best of the female cultivars. A long lived and dependable garden plant.
Male required for fruit set on female plants.
Upright Juniper
‘JN Select Blue’ Star Power™
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-7
- Size: 18' x 6'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2023
This is one of the fastest growing upright junipers for the landscape. Star-like, blue green needles provide a fine texture while blue cones add a touch of colorful interest. Durable, deer proof and easy to grow.
Magnolia virginiana var. australis
Sweetbay Magnolia
'Henry Hicks', 'Northern Bell', 'Aiken County', 'Green Bay' syn. 'Green Shadow'
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-9
- Size: 30' x 20'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: Late Spring, Summer
- Kentucky Native: Yes
- Year added to list: 2007
This upright oval magnolia is best known for its crops of creamy white, lemon-scented flowers cast against dark green foliage. Easy to grow in any reasonable soil, it is an excellent selection for lengthening the spring bloom season. The variety australis is the evergreen form of the species.
Excellent cultivars include: Henry Hicks, Northern Belle, Aiken County, Green Bay (Green Shadow)
Picea abies
Norway Spruce
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 3-7
- Size: 30' x 15'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2015
A weeping form of one of the most durable and adaptable conifers for the landscape, this selection is a standout for use as a specimen or focal point in the garden. It thrives in most soils including heavy clay and is quite drought tolerant.
Picea orientalis
Oriental Spruce
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-7
- Size: 80' x 35'
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2004
One of the best large conifers for the landscape, this forms a deep green, conical form with consistent color all year long. It is highly pest resistant, adaptable to a wide range of soils and exposures and is a long lived plant. A little hard to find but worth the quest!
Pinus bungeana
Lacebark Pine
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 5-8
- Size: 30' x 20'
- Light Requirement: Partial Shade to Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2010
Lacebark Pine offers fine evergreen needles on an upright form to 20-30’ tall. The usually multi-trunked plants offer stunning exfoliating bark of green, cream and olive. This is an excellent specimen plant for full sun or partial shade in rich, moist soils.
Pinus koraiensis
Korean Pine
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-7
- Size: 60' Tall
- Light Requirement: Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2024
This uncommon evergreen grows to about 60’ tall with a loosely upright, pyramidal outline. Four to five-inch-long, blue/green needles are fine in texture and provide a soft feel to the entire plant. Plant in full sun in all but very dry or very wet soil and it will reward with years of mostly trouble-free growth.
‘Green Giant’
- Cold Hardiness: Zone 4-8
- Size: 35' x 20'
- Light Requirement: Partial Shade to Full Sun
- Flowering Time: n/a
- Kentucky Native: No
- Year added to list: 2017
Outstanding hybrid evergreen that forms a tight, conical spire in the landscape. Excellent for screening or as a specimen plant. Soft foliage holds color well through winter. Not resistant to deer browse.