Nursery News
At Yew Dell we're all about plants!
Check back here for the latest articles about the latest goings-on in the Nursery and Greenhouses from our Nursery & Greenhouse Manager, Jeff Margreiter, and Director of Horticulture & Facilities, Jacob Stidham.
The Basics on Growing Tomatoes
Whether you consider yourself a tomato connoisseur or just a fan, there’s nothing better than picking that first one of the season off the vine..
Features of the Newest Greenhouse
It’s cold, blistery days like this that seem like a perfect time to talk about greenhouses.
Transplant These Plants Now
Farmers are out cultivating fields and sowing seed in early spring. Nurseries and garden centers overflow with color on opening day.
Out with the old, in with the new to us
If you have been to the gardens for a visit lately, you will have seen some hustle and bustle around the nursery.
What is the value of a garden?
Is it the shade that the trees provide? Maybe it is the habitat the plants provide for all the critters that call it home?
What you put in the container matters
Plants just can’t be the best they can be in a container if they don’t have the right stuff for their roots to grow in.
Notes from the Nursery – Summer 2023
Sayde calls us boujee for using shade cloth in the nursery to provide our plants a happier environment. Boujee is a slang term for the act of living a fancy,
Letter from the Nursery – Spring 2023
Any parent loves to see their child grow and develop into their own person. Sometimes it is awkward to see them turn into little carbon copies of you, but as
Notes from the Nursery – Winter 2023
I haven’t known life without greenhouses since nearly back in the 1900s! I’m going to start using phrases like that as I get older and more gray hairs start showing