Jump in where you see fit for our Three Steps to Plant Addiction lecture series, because there’s always room for one more plant!
Join Yew Dell’s top plant geeks for these fun and engaging discussions about how the plant collecting bug has taken over their homes, their yards, and their family vacations. Learn to spot the signs of developing illness, learn a few new plants, and find a little solidarity among those suffering the developing symptoms of this plant-based affliction.
Step three: When the continent simply doesn’t offer enough — taking your habit international
While an uncontrolled collecting gene and 1/10th of an acre yard would seem incompatible, Paul Cappiello has come up with a solution. Get a job
running a botanical garden and scour the planet for plants that someone else has to maintain!
Register separately for Steps one and two, which are:
Step one: When your houseplants take up more space than your furniture with Sayde Heckman
Saturday, February 18 • 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Step two: When you consider 50 trees in the yard as no more than “a good start” with Jacob Stidham
Saturday, February 25 • 2:00 PM – 3:30 pm
Please keep in mind that all ticket purchases are final sale. Tickets are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. All programs and events are rain or shine.
For our in-person programs and events, entry is limited to one person (whether adult or child) per ticket. Please purchase enough tickets for your guest count; extra guests without tickets will not be allowed entry. For our virtual workshops, a ticket purchase allows for one login; multiple people may watch the one login together.