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February Plant Release

February 08, 2023
2023 Online Shade Perennial Sale  
February 8th at 9:00 AM  
We are back and ready for spring! To help you get through those winter blues, we will be releasing a group of plants on the second Wednesday of February, March, and April. First up, shade plants.
Here is the list of our 2023 Online Shade Perennials. Make your notes and mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 8th at 9:00 AM. That is when we will be releasing these plants for purchase in our online plant market! You can also receive an email reminder by signing up for our Garden eNews.
All of these plants have been grown in our nursery and are tucked in for the winter. When you finish your order, you will be asked to choose a date and time to pick up your plants. These dates will start the last week of March when the threat of severe cold has passed and it is safe for you to take these plants home with you.
We hope you enjoy the collections of plants we have put together for 2023 and look forward to seeing you in the spring!

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February 8, 2023

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*Youth volunteers are age 6-17.

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