Any parent loves to see their child grow and develop into their own person. Sometimes it is awkward to see them turn into little carbon copies of you, but as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!
When we look at the Yew Dell nursery as a parent, we can draw many of the same similarities. We love to see reports of our “children” growing and developing in your garden. And what flattery it is when you take an idea from Yew Dell and grow it in your own garden!
Here is the problem though. We don’t get many pictures of our kids when they move away. Sure, every once in a while someone comes in and shows us a picture of a shriveled-up plant and asks us what happened. Most of the time it was left on the driveway too long and they forgot to water it.
I can say this because it happens at my house way too often. I’m a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do kind of gardener.
Can we be troublesome and ask you to share more pictures of our kids with us?! The live ones of course, not the ones you killed.
For those that partake in the brave new world of social media, you can post a picture and tag us @YewDellGardens. Or how does #YewDellGrown sound? Shy away from the social media? I don’t blame you. A picture by email works too. I’ll give bonus points to anyone who prints a picture, finds an envelope, and remembers how to mail it! You can connect with us using any of the methods listed above.
We watch our community come and enjoy Yew Dell for what makes this place special. We would love to get a glimpse of some of the ideas and plants you take away from here that make your garden special to you.